I believe that everyone should be able to get married, regardless of their financial situation, so I generally operate on a sliding scale for payment. If you want to come to me for a 5 min ceremony on a Tuesday afternoon just doing the paperwork, you shouldn’t pay the same as if it were a lavish affair on a Saturday in June. I do value my time quite a bit though, so when and where can factor into the price significantly. There is also an opportunity cost when I take a booking during a typical time or location, so that also factors into what I need to charge.
As a starting point, the following is typical, but please get in touch and we can find something that works for both of us. This is by no means indicative of what the final price will necessarily be.
- Just the paperwork coming to me or New Haven City Hall – $100
- Quick, simple, not far, and/or during an off time with standard vows – $100-300
- Typical event wedding – $500+
I’m also way into doing more out there stuff like being out on a pirate ship, or jumping in the ocean, or full costumes, but that would all get priced depending on the details.